Oasis Ministerio Internacional  



“Suffer little children . . . to come unto me . . .” Matthew 19:14


While it is our conviction that we are all one in Christ Jesus regardless of age, an active children’s ministry addresses the specific needs of each age group. The Word of the Lord is ministered to them at their level of understanding but without diluting the message. The children are ministered to in Sunday School classes, during Vacation Bible School events and in discipleship settings.


Sunday School Program

On a weekly basis, the children are encouraged to participate together with the adults in the general assembly for the time of praise and worship. Following that portion of the congregational gathering, age appropriate classes are conducted for them during the time of the ministry of the Word.  


Dedicated teachers with a love for God’s Word and with a burden for the children minister to them, encouraging them to grow in their relationship with the Lord and in the knowledge of His Word.


Nursery Program                    Ages 0 – 2
Young Children                       Ages 3 – 4
Elementary Age Children      Ages 5 – 7
Pre-adolescents                      Ages 8 – 12
Youth                                        Ages 13+


Vacation Bible School

An annual Vacation Bible School program is geared to disciple the children of the local congregation encouraging them in their love for Jesus and obedience to Him. This summer event is also a community outreach through which children and their families from the neighborhood are reached for Christ Jesus.  




For this event the local facility is decorated to be child-friendly and to project a memorable theme.   The message of Christ is presented in Bible lessons, songs, crafts and recreational sports activities.  


Over the past years, many children’s lives have been impacted during this special week. The servant staff members have also been blessed as the Lord has used them to impart the love of Jesus to the children.


                                                                                      June 20 - 24


              You may obtain detailed information and register at:                    https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/oasisvbs2016/gpgs/Home.aspx


         You may also contact Delilah Mejia at:


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ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 For over 40 years now have come together during t...

Oasis Ministry International, Inc FACILITY ADDRESS 12695 SW 77 St, Miami, FL 33183 OFFICE ADDRESS 10050 SW 123 Ave, Miami, FL 33186 Phone (305) 546-3318
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