Oasis Ministerio Internacional  

Bible Search
Search the Bible for passages of Scripture, for individual words or combinations of words, for phrases, and even by Strong's numbers. Searches turn up results using all of our available tools, linking the search requests to lexicons, concordances, and a variety of reference works.
Bible Gateway's mission is to facilitate an in-depth study of God's Word through an online interactive reference library that is continuously updated from the teachings and commentaries of selected pastors and teachers who hold to the conservative, historical Christian faith. By God's grace and provision, BG now offers over 680,000 content pages of Bible study resources.


ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 For over 40 years now have come together during t...

Oasis Ministry International, Inc FACILITY ADDRESS 12695 SW 77 St, Miami, FL 33183 OFFICE ADDRESS 10050 SW 123 Ave, Miami, FL 33186 Phone (305) 546-3318
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