Frequently Asked Questions
Who may take institute courses?
Anyone can take these institute courses. While the courses are designed for those with a defined call to serve the Lord and a desire to be better prepared to do so, any believer will benefit from the messages. Over the years, many have availed themselves of the instruction in God’s Word and have experienced marked growth in their lives.
Am I qualified to take a course?
Yes, you are qualified to take a course if you have a hunger for the Lord and for His Word. No other pre-requisites are needed. Over the years, students of all ages and from all types of backgrounds have benefited from the messages.
Do I need to go to Miami to study the courses?
No, the institute functions as a web-based online and self-paced resource for your convenience. Although in years past the institute functioned with residential students, the same courses are now available to you on-line. You do have the opportunity to interact with us by phone or e-mail as you desire.
Do I need to be on-line at a specific time?
No, the courses are designed to be self-paced. You may log on to the website at any time at your convenience and as time permits.
How much will it cost?
There is no cost to take these institute classes. How can we place a cost on that which the Lord has given us? Having freely received of Him revelation of Himself in His Word, how can we buy or sell that which has proceeded from Him? For that reason, all materials are provided to you without cost.
Should the Lord place it on your heart to support the ministry with your finances, it is indeed very helpful and very much appreciated. You may send your freewill offering by mail or by donating on-line.
Where should I begin?
You may begin with the course of your choice. Most students who have limited background in the Scriptures begin with the Gospels and the Pentateuch or with the biblical survey materials. More mature students and those who previously availed themselves of biblical studies often begin with the foundational courses consisting of courses such as Theology, Christology and Pneumatology. Those currently active in the ministry of the Word usually find beginning with courses such as Ecclesiology, Hymnology, Homiletics and Deviation from The Truth most beneficial.
How many courses can I take at one time?
There is no limit to the number of courses you can take at one time. If, however, this is the first time you are involved in Bible school courses, we recommend that you begin with a single course. If you are a seasoned student, you may wish to take two or three courses at a time. We do not limit you in any way and ask that you seek the Lord to guide you as you diligently and carefully study His Word.
How much time do I need to spend on each course?
That depends on the length of the course. Courses are of different lengths ranging from 8 class recorded sessions to 65 sessions. For that reason, you may complete a course such as Ministerial Ethics in 12 hours while it may take you more than 40 hours to complete a course such as Apostolic Epistles I. When you register for a course, you will be able to determine approximately how long it will take you to complete the course based on the number and length of the recorded sessions.
How long will it take to finish all of the courses?
This is different for each student. To graduate from the institute having completed all of the courses, it usually takes a diligent student two years. Since the courses are designed as self-paced units, it will depend strictly on how much time you dedicate to completing all materials required for graduation.
Who teaches the courses?
The courses are taught by Pastor Raul Arce along with his wife and other seasoned ministers who have an intense love for God’s Word. The Lord has been pleased to reveal Himself to them and to use them to impart the Word.
Are any additional text books or materials needed?
You will need only your study Bible, a notebook and writing utensils. We provide you with the recorded class sessions and a manual containing an outline of each session and an accompanying questionnaire. You will find Bible study tools including a Bible dictionary and a concordance very helpful. You will find links to helpful Bible study resources on our website under Resources.