The Great Shepherd faithfully leads and feeds His sheep.  We are the flock of the Lord called to follow the divine teaching of our Lord Jesus.  He sends forth His word to instruct His people. 

All too often the Church is in a state of malnutrition and ailment because we do not have a tender and teachable heart.  Rather we receive our fill from natural and even carnal pastures.  We wonder why we are spiritually weak, yet far too often we are filled with ideologies of this world, and void of the Holy Spirit. 

The “Great Shepherd” of the sheep is also the “Good Shepherd”.  Truly He is all-together good and faithful. The Church's evil turning aside does not negate the faithful Lord's steadfast outpouring to all who hunger for truth and righteousness. He continues to call us to His pastures to find rest for our souls and strength for the long journey. 

Just as the Shepherd knows each of His sheep by name, each sheep is called into a personal communion with the Shepherd. May the heart of each sheep be turned to the Lord with a teachable spirit. 

Throughout the upcoming five weeks (September 21 - October 19) we will be feeding from the Word of the Lord through the teaching series we are titling:


"Church Life - Living by Him. Living Through Him. Living for Him".  


Do you have a teachable heart today?