“. . . Write the vision, and make it plain . . . that he may run that reads it . . .” Habakkuk 2:2
Periodically we will be posting a relevant word that the Lord has impressed on our hearts. Check back often to see what the Lord is stirring in us to share with you.
Organizations often extend credentials to recognized ministers. Such credentials are usually in the form of a signed document or an identification card that are publicly accepted. Yet, while often diligently sought after, such documents have very limited value.
More importantly, God gives to those servants whom He has called and He has prepared spiritual credentials that are indeed of great value. Such credentials are the manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord through their lives. To Moses, a mighty rod was given (Exodus 4:1-5). To Elisha, the mantle of Elijah was given (II Kings 2:14). To the first apostles, gifts...
Any student longs for the day of their graduation in order to finally abandon the arduous demands and testing placed on an apprentice. Yet the Lord calls His sons and daughters to a lifetime of apprenticeship.
Do you consider yourself to be learned in the ways of the Lord? If so, let the wise continue learning. Proverbs 1:5 teaches the wise to hear and “increase in learning”. Furthermore, Proverbs 9:9 says that the wise man will be taught to be still wiser, and the righteous man will “increase in learning”. Truly the depths of the knowledge and wisdom of the...
“Ho, everyone that thirsts, Come ye to the waters;
And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come . . .”
Isaiah 55:1
In the midst of a book containing such strong warnings of imminent judgment addressed to an indifferent people, we find one of the most compelling invitations recorded in the Scriptures.
It is an open invitation addressed to “everyone” who hungers and thirsts desiring to be filled. No other qualification is needed. No other requirement is stated. No other prerequisite is mandatory. The invitation is simply to “come” and to receive freely.
“Behold my servant, whom I uphold; Mine elect, in whom my soul delights . . .”
Isaiah 42:1
Christ Jesus, as the Son of God, is the beloved Servant of the Father and the only-begotten Son who brings delight to the heart of the Father.
In order to learn, we need an exemplary model - an excellent pattern to follow. It is indeed Christ Jesus who is that Exemplary Servant who pleased the Father in...
A servant of the Lord is called to do the will of God. But how can one do God’s will unless first born of the will of God? (John 1:12-13)
It was when he was born again that Paul then asked of the Lord, “What would you have me to do?” (Acts 9:5-6) Only in obedience to God’s will would his ministry as God’s servant be like an arrow hitting the target. It is in Christ Jesus, the obedient Son, who dwells in us that we also can ask the Lord, “And what would you have me to do?” (Heb....
Do you remember the day you received Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Didn’t it feel like you had all you needed at that moment? You had found the One who could fill your whole life. He was enough. That day your life had meaning, purpose and direction; and it all pointed to Jesus.
In the Scriptures we find the personal testimonies of those who found fulfillment in their lives as they ran the good race. Four such testimonies are:
The Experience of The Psalmist
After having experienced God’s dealings in his life, David declared that the one thing...
The Great Shepherd faithfully leads and feeds His sheep. We are the flock of the Lord called to follow the divine teaching of our Lord Jesus. He sends forth His word to instruct His people. All too often the Church is in a state of malnutrition and ailment because we do not have a tender and teachable heart. Rather we receive our fill from natural and even carnal pastures. We wonder why we are spiritually weak, yet far too often we are filled with ideologies of this world, and void of the Holy Spirit. The “Great Shepherd” of the sheep is also the “Good...
What difficult times are the days in which we live! Wherever we turn we hear of wars and rumors of war. Without a doubt, the dark clouds of war are gathering over many nations and many are suffering intensely the ravages of battle.
While we have been reasonably isolated as a nation from wars that are raging in faraway places, there is increasing talk of “war cycles” and how our lives may well be impacted. Interestingly, our young people increasingly play war games and even our children are showing more and more interest in weapons of war. Indeed, whether we...