Oasis Ministerio Internacional  


“But who am I . . . that we should be able to offer so willingly as this?

For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You.” I Chron. 29:14


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We have been called to be good stewards of that which the Lord, who is Creator and Owner of all, has so graciously given to us. This we do sacrificially as an act of worship and this we do cheerfully counting it a privilege to give unto the Lord.


Click here to contribute online by e-check, debit card, or credit card.


ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 For over 40 years now have come together during t...

Oasis Ministry International, Inc FACILITY ADDRESS 12695 SW 77 St, Miami, FL 33183 OFFICE ADDRESS 10050 SW 123 Ave, Miami, FL 33186 Phone (305) 546-3318
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