Oasis Ministerio Internacional  

Local Gatherings

“And all the people gathered themselves together as one man . . . “ Nehemiah 8:1


General Assemblies

Christ-centered worship services are held each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. As the Body of Christ called for His purposes, we gather to exalt Him and to hear what He is pleased to speak to us from His Word. Age appropriate classes are conducted during these sessions for children and youth. We cordially invite you to come and magnify the Lord with us and exalt His Name together (Psalm 34:3) as the Lord so leads you.


For times and directions, please see Weekly Service Schedule & Directions


Sunday School - Children & Adults

Begins at 9am on Sunday Morning

For Spanish speaking adults, there is a Sunday School class on Sundays during the English service. A thematic Bible study is presented followed by a time for discussion as well as questions and answers.


For children and youth there are age-appropriate Sunday School classes during the ministry of the Word following the time of corporate worship. Dedicated teachers with a love for God’s Word and with a burden for the children and youth minister to them encouraging them to grow in their relationship with the Lord and in the knowledge of His Word.


        For times and directions, please see Weekly Service Schedule & Directions


Prayer Meetings

Prayer meetings are held weekly providing an opportunity to come together as the Body of Christ in prayer presenting our needs at His feet.   Special prayer times are scheduled periodically as led by the Lord or as needs arise.


         For times and directions, please see Weekly Service Schedule & Directions


Cell Group Meetings

Various weekly meetings are held providing an opportunity to gather in more intimate settings in homes to exalt the Lord and seek His face. The smaller settings permit each participant to share in closer fellowship, more personal Bible instruction and cherish times of prayer for particular needs. The Scriptures show us how the early church received the message of God’s word as it was taught from house to house (Acts 20:20). This we do in various areas of the city.    


For the gathering closest to your home, visit our Weekly Service Schedule & Directions page.


Women's Ministry

The unique needs of women are addressed through special gatherings throughout the year. These meetings are held in various settings including brunches in homes, retreats in hotels and luncheons in the church facility. Some of the gatherings are specifically for single women or married women, while others address the needs of young women or married women.  




Men's Ministry

The men meet periodically for fellowship breakfasts, prayer gatherings, Bible study and retreats. As heads of households, Christian men are faced with great responsibilities and as the primary bread-winners, they are confronted with numerous challenges. The men’s ministry seeks to encourage the men to humbly face their responsibilities and confront the challenges in the strength that comes only from the Lord.




ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 For over 40 years now have come together during t...

Oasis Ministry International, Inc FACILITY ADDRESS 12695 SW 77 St, Miami, FL 33183 OFFICE ADDRESS 10050 SW 123 Ave, Miami, FL 33186 Phone (305) 546-3318
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