Oasis Ministerio Internacional  

Ministerial Preparation

“. . . The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few;” Matthew 9:37


Based on the great need for laborers and the burden that the Lord has given us for His church, a major emphasis of this ministry is the preparation and equipping of servants.


Biblically based and Christ-centered training is provided to those who are sensing God’s call on their lives for service and are responding to that call. Such training is conducted locally in the form of leadership seminars and training sessions. For the believer desiring more intense preparation, the institute courses are available providing a solid foundation in the Holy Scriptures with courses designed to provide the knowledge needed to apply biblical truth to the life and function of the church. While broad in scope, the objective of these Christ-centered teachings is that each believer may gain a more clear vision of the Person of Christ Jesus.


Institute Courses    |    Leadership Seminar



ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2023 For over 40 years now have come together during t...

Oasis Ministry International, Inc FACILITY ADDRESS 12695 SW 77 St, Miami, FL 33183 OFFICE ADDRESS 10050 SW 123 Ave, Miami, FL 33186 Phone (305) 546-3318
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